Volunteer Connection LIVE
at the Barrington Area Library
Saturday, April 15, 1 – 4 PM
A collaboration of Barrington Area Volunteer Connection and the Barrington Area Library
A combination Volunteer Fair, Donation Day, and Community Network, allowing residents to connect with organizations who can answer questions about local resources, offer volunteer opportunities, and accept donated items.
Register at https://balibrary.librarycalendar.com/event/volunteer-connection-live for a reminder, or to see a list of participating nonprofits and donatable items.
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Saturday, April 15, 1 - 4 PM
Barrington Area Library, 505 N. Northwest Hwy, Barrington IL 60010
Open House, free to all. Register for a reminder.
Community Engagement Librarian Sam
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Printed courtesy of www.barringtonchamber.com – Contact the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
190 E. James Street, Barrington, IL 60010 – (847) 381-2525 – communications@barringtonchamber.com